Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy Fathers Day Men

A big wish goes out to all of my friends for a Happy Fathers Day. Klenke, Smitty, Hilgers, Yoak, Scotty, Hogan, Shane, Casey, Pat, Lankey, and you too Pettus, if your girl has made her arrival.

I hope you all had a fantastic day with your families like I did. I have included a few pictures to show you what today is really all about. How about the creativity of the card the kids made for me. Foot prints and finger prints of love. Makes you feel pretty incredible. Damn, life is good! Thanks for a great day Terri!
Thanks for reading, Y'all tune in again soon.


Anonymous said...

What a super Fathers Day card! A wonderful combined effort. Love the pictures. Glad your day was good.

Anonymous said...

No baby yet! She is being like her mother! Stubborn.
Kid is looking good.
Greg Pettus

Anonymous said...

Thanks Mom, and Pettus, she will be here before you know it. You will be a great Dad!

Anonymous said...

Reagan Ashleigh born 6/19/2007
7 lbs 20 inches!!!!

Now I have joined the Father's Club!!! She is great and mother is great.

Greg Pettus

Anonymous said...

Congratulations my friend!!! That is fantastic, give mom and daughter our best! Happy Fathers Day!

The Estridge 5+ said...

A little late but Happy Father's Day to you too! Thanks,
